USA AND RUSSIA ; Both nations are titans of defense with vast arsenals, advanced technologies, and strategic influence. This blog dives into a head-to-head comparison, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, and global impact in the ever-evolving arena of modern warfare.

 let’s compare:

  1. Natural Resources: It’s soviet union ,is the nation with the largest number of natural resources, more than 30% of the world, the USSR may have had contained almost half of the world’s Natural Resources
  2. Air Forces: The US will and wins this, although it was close, but still the numbers helped the US win this round and F- 35 still beats other jets. The F-22 is a beast, US has the largest air force.
  3. Land Forces: The Russian Army has the best and largest number of tanks, almost 2x the tanks of US, and I know somebody will come and say they are rusty, but as far as anybody knows, Russia’s most tanks are modernized. In terms of Artillery too, Russia strives in both numbers and quality, Russian Artillery is much better. Armored Vehicles also go in Russia’s favour, Russia wins this!
  4. Naval Forces: The Naval Forces of the US are superior to any other nation’s, let’s be honest, we all know who has the best Navy.
  5. Nukes and Missiles: It’s Russian army no contest here, we all know who has Zircon missiles!
  6. Economy: The US is the world’s largest economy, no contest.


Two glaring differences stand out – well, at least two.

First, training and organisation.

The US military has no conscripts. Its service personnel are motivated to be there as volunteer professionals. They know that promotion depends on learning and improving, so they learn and improve. There is a large and stable NCO cadre to preserve, develop and pass on that training and know-how.


Russia conscripts troops. They don’t want to be there and they don’t like it. The NCO cadre is relatively small and dedicated to imposing discipline upon the unwilling. They don’t want to teach, nobody wants to learn from them.

Second, equipment and logistics.

And when I say ‘equipment’ I do not mean the wunderwaffe that get the headlines, like the Poseidon “All your Cotswolds is belong to fish!’ torpedo. I mean dull, boring, mundane stuff that the hoplophiles don’t get stirred up about. I mean spare oil filters for diesel engines, and first-ad kits, and field rations, and waterproof boots.

A US general who sent troops into the field with the kind of kit, supplied by the kind of logistics, that Russia has shown in Ukraine would be standing outside the Pentagon, with all his belongings in a cardboard box, in about eight seconds flat.

 Russian militry being a defensive-minded military force does not necessarily mean it will be poorly equipped, just as much as being an offensive-minded force doesn’t require that it’s equipment be the most state-of-the-art. There have been several modern military forces that had outstanding equipment and were defensively positioned (pre-WW2 France is a great example) and Russia, as the Soviet Union, was a very effective offensive force that was poorly equipped compared to its German counterpart in the battlefield.


Finally, an important thing to remember is that most Russian military expenditures of the last decade or so have been to modernize their military. The fall of the Soviet Union brought an economic calamity that Russia’s is still reeling from today. Between the theft of entire industries (selling state-owned companies to favored persons at a fraction of their projected values during the period of “privatization”) to the collapse the ruble multiple times, the Russian economy has had some hardships, and it’s hard to keep a major modem military force when your economy contracts at the same time your pool for conscripts and taxpayers leaves, taking a large portion of your military equipment with it . By the time the economy started to turn around for Russia in the mid-2000s, they still had to spend to prevent the coming ecological disaster of their unused nuclear submarines, develop new rifles to compete with the M4, FAMAS, G36, etc., develop new uniform items with newer materials like Goretex, and develop new vehicles to move the military around


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